serendipity | harry potter instagram - intro


heyo mayo !

okay so this is, as you can see in the title, a harry potter instagram story. original, right? this will be my own ideas, though! hope you like it!

usernames :

harry potter boywhowontdie
ron weasley kingweasley
hermione granger hjgranger
draco malfoy dmalboy
pansy parkinson pansysexual
blaise zabini blazeit
luna lovegood llovehard
ginny weasley finalweasley
neville longbottom nlongtop
theo nott notttheo
dean thomas dthms
seamus finnigan smsfnngn

original characters !

daisy parkinson
   - slytherin
   - pansy's twin
   - dparkinson
loren malfoy
   - slytherin
   - draco's younger sister
   - lorenm
ava potter
   - gryffindor
   - harry's younger sister
   - apotter
—oc's wont be main, but still part of the story)
—more may be added, i'll notify you in whatever chapter i introduce them in if i do add more.

main ships (may change) :
drarry (draco & harry)
pansmione (pansy & hermione)
bron / ronlaise (blaise & ron)
deamus (dean & seamus)

-basically a lotta gay
-it may change so read the story to find out
-there will be other ships to start with but i'm hoping these are the 'endgames.' (i hate that word its so cringey im sorry)

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