Universal - Kaiju Attack 2 (by Game Stew)

It’s faster paced and the annoying typewriting sound is gone, thankfully. They removed the planes for some reason? Now you only fight with tanks.

Is freeze weapon super-OP like it was in the first game? Im gonna go for it anyway.

I feel they bumped up the difficulty a bit too much here. There is some really cheap stuff going on. You can have a super good run and almost win – just for the boss to go crazy on you and blow away 50% of your board and killing you instantly. That feel really cheap.

And they made it so you can go minus with your cash. If you have a really bad game and the boss wreck alot of your stuff, but you manage to squeeze out a win anyway. Forget about that 5hit because then the negative balance from the game is taken from you home base money pool leaving you with a empty bank account! That is just wrong. Why even finish one of those runs – better to hit exit and restart in those cases.

Everything feels a underpowered. Maybe it will change when you upgrade your stuff a bit more? The dinosaur is the new freeze weapon apparently. I will put everything into that just like i did in the first game – maybe the game will be manageble after that.

None of the super weapons feel really worth using. The nuclear reactor can kill you if it blows up and the freeze ray is so costly to use that it feels like it isnt worth it. They have to balance this better if im gonna continue playing this.


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