Silicon Valley Is Coconuts for Kamala Harris

Leah Feiger: That’s a pretty good one. And I love a harken back to 2016. How can you beat that?

David Gilbert: Yes, it’s a long time ago.

Leah Feiger: Makena, what do you have for us?

Makena Kelly: Okay. So the past couple of weeks have been insane to the point that I feel like my entire news feeds everywhere is conspiracies all the time. But one I saw crop up this morning was very funny to me. I saw Charlie Kirk and some people asking, where is Joe Biden? Why haven’t we seen Joe Biden to gin up people…

Leah Feiger: Oh, my God.

Makena Kelly: …in the comments to be like, has he disappeared? What has happened? Is he murdered?

Leah Feiger: No. Are they claiming a Weekend at Bernie’s-ing of Joe Biden right now?

Makena Kelly: It seems that they are at least alluding to it. I saw some crypto guy saying that he was desperately ill and he’ll be thrown out of being the president and we won’t know. So yeah, basically Weekend at Bernie, when really the answer is that Joe Biden has COVID and his voice probably sucks.

Leah Feiger: He’s hiding out at his beach house right now.

Makena Kelly: He’s truly just chilling out with a sore throat, and we just need to give him a couple days. There isn’t something mysterious and crazy going on in the background.

Leah Feiger: Okay, that’s a pretty good one. Lauren, what do you have for us this week?

Lauren Goode: It’s a little unusual. I’m not sure that I would call it quite a conspiracy theory, but since this is my first time on the show and I’m coming from San Francisco, I feel like this one is only fitting. There is an internet astrologer who’s quite well known named Amy Tripp. Her handle is starheal. That’s-

Leah Feiger: Yes. Wait, I’m so happy. I’m so happy this is what you’re bringing. Oh, my gosh, continue.

Lauren Goode: You know where I’m going with this. Okay, so admittedly I was not super familiar with her beforehand, but after the news broke this past Sunday, she kept coming up in my feed because people were retweeting or resharing her predictions. And so what she had shared on Twitter back in 2020 was that Kamala Harris will be 60 in four years. I see her running for president in 2024 since this coincides with her Saturn return. I don’t know what that means, but I like it. And then, because I really don’t follow astrology, but you have to respect it. And then she said-

Leah Feiger: And after this, we may start.

Lauren Goode: Exactly. July 11th of this year, Amy tweeted, if Biden is made to step down, and then in parens, because he won’t on his own, it will be at the Capricorn full moon at 29 degrees Capricorn. Capricorn rules the government and old age. Like what? Who knew this? 29 degrees is an ending. And someone replied, any date? And she replied, July 21st. So whether or not you believe in astrology…

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