Baby Sleep Consultant's Important PSA for Parents 'In The Trenches'

A baby sleep consultant from the U.K. has offered a timely reminder to new moms and dads that the challenging early years of parenting do get easier.

Cher Fletcher, 42, posted a public service announcement on Instagram telling other moms: “If you are in the trenches of sleepless nights, never getting a minute to yourself, this is your reminder that it will get easier.”

Fletcher, from the Midlands region, told Newsweek that the inspiration behind her post is rooted in personal experience. “When I became a mum 9 years ago, I felt like I would never sleep again, I would never get a moment to myself, be able to sit on a sun lounger and relax,” she said.

Cher Fletcher PSA
Cher Fletcher, 42, explained that it takes time before parents can enjoy carefree moments, like lounging by the pool on vacation without constant supervision.


Her post sought to reassure parents that while the early stages of parenting can feel overwhelming, they are temporary. “Having a child is very demanding, but it will get easier,” she added.

Fletcher’s struggles with sleep deprivation during her children’s early years deeply impacted every aspect of her life—from her mental and physical health to her marriage. She explained that her son didn’t sleep well until he was 4 while her daughter struggled with poor sleep until she was almost 3.

“It led me to sleep train my daughter, which I regretted. I wish I had been offered a gentler more supportive option. This led me to train as a holistic sleep coach, and I have supported over 600 families, and helped thousands through my social media content,” she told Newsweek.

Fletcher’s Instagram reel gained 3.6 million views and over 37,000 likes. It resonated with other fellow moms on the platform, who shared their gratitude for her message. One user said, “Thank you! I needed to read that today.”

In the reel, the 42-year-old also shared a lighthearted note about her sister, who’s now pregnant again. “This will be short lived but omg am I excited to have a real-life baby to become my social media feature,” she wrote in her caption.

“You ladies are like my ghost from Christmas future. Can’t wait for the day,” another user joked.

Fletcher’s encouragement comes from her own journey. “When you become a mom, you lose your pink,” she explained, referencing the saying that flamingos lose their color while nurturing their young.

“Your entire existence is to meet your child’s needs; sleepless nights, being unable to take date nights, self-care etc. And it can feel like your life will always be this way, but I wanted mums to know, it will get easier, your pink will return.”

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