Biden's dump stumps old Trump • Daily Montanan

It’s safe to say the nation breathed a collective sigh of relief when President Joe Biden decided to end his re-election bid and “pass the torch to a new generation.”  After so many months of being told this election has American democracy hanging in the balance, we finally have a real choice. Now there’s only one word-slurring, doddering old man in the race — and his opponent in Kamala Harris is a talented, experienced woman a couple decades younger who can actually finish a sentence and hold a thought. 

Of course Donald Trump would never consider dropping out of the race for all the reasons he claimed showed Biden was incapable of holding the office of the presidency.  Now, those same reasons he so loved to throw out come back to haunt him and highlight why he, in fact, is totally unfit to fill one of the most difficult jobs on the planet.

As has been all too obvious since Trump defeated Hillary Clinton — and then faced being ignominiously booted out of office after one term — he’s far too old to change his tactics.  And those tactics are how most people define a bully: Pick on someone weaker, insult them, call them foolish schoolyard names, and lie about all of it. 

It’s rare that bullies take on someone their own size or strength because they might not fare so well when push comes to shove. And more often than not, bullies finally learn their lesson when some little kid they’re picking on decides they’ve had enough and stands up to take their best shot. As plenty of kids can tell you, there’s something very gratifying when the bully reaches up to a bloody nose from a victim who unexpectedly fought back.

Due to Biden’s rapidly advancing debilities, it was easy for Trump to bully him, make fun of his speech and actions, and posit himself as the superior choice despite his all too similar debilities.  But those days are over. It’s pretty clear that Kamala Harris has the delegates wrapped up to become the Democratic candidate — and she came out swinging. 

Pointing to her long career as a prosecutor, Harris didn’t hold back in her first campaign speech about taking on perpetrators: “So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type.  Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain.” 

She went on to lay out the choice now facing voters — whether we will have “a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law, or a country of chaos, fear and hate.”

The response was overwhelming.  A million individual donors gave $100 million dollars in the next 24 hours, with 62% of those from first-time donors. Major donors like George Clooney, who had advocated for Biden ending his campaign, immediately joined a host of others to pledge support to Harris’ campaign, which has done nothing but grow since then. 

The effect, kind of like the bully getting punched in the nose by the little kid he was picking on, has left Trump stunned.  Already he’s whining about canceling the scheduled Sept. 10 debate because he won’t be facing Biden and rightfully fears Harris, as shown by his middle of the night posts becoming more frantic, more hateful, and more insulting.  

For this particular bully — the shoe is on the other foot now, Donald.  You can’t hide your many foibles and declining faculties behind the finger you so loved to point at Joe Biden.  And the tide is rising — the tide that will send you back to putting around on a golf cart if you’re not in prison, whining about yet another “stolen election.”

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